Saturday 30 October 2010

The death of Dubstep?

Watching a music video of the recent Magnetic Man track, 'Perfect Stranger' with Katy B, I was left thinking what direction is Dubstep taking. I mean come on, attractive bird being chased around by attractive man, typical music vid that Cheryl Cole would be proud of. And since when did Dubstep care about its image anyway, Benga even beginning to make appearances in the videos now.

I have no problem with genres taking different directions, when its done right, you get interesting hybrids, musical communications. The tracks themselves arent even bad, though I think Katy B is being rinsed too much considering how she sounds.

My problem is more Dubstep is having that same problem as Grime, wanting to reach the top but realising that what they're doing isn't enough, there's a level of commericalisation in what they're doing. Singing, more treble in a Bass heavy music, for dubstep its placing on itself an image it quite happily didnt care about before. There's now another problem for Dubstep, the fact its now 'trendy' music. you what I mean, people trying to sound edgy will say they love it, all Radio 1 DJs suddenly loved it from day one (no disrespect Mary Anne Hobbs), every radio station and tacky club suddenly want to play it to give themselves credibility (neither tacky nor a bad show, but Grandmaster Flash at Subclub in Glasgow playing a dubstep hit. Yes Mr. Flash, you are still down with the kids).

The Dubstep hardcore will still say there's nothing wrong with the scene fundamentally, new interesting music is being made, the core DJs not taking the same path as Magnetic Man, FWD in London still a hub. On the whole I don't disagree, I just feel Dubstep needs to be careful. Jungle used to be incredibly interesting sonically, now its beats are nothing beyong keeping time and being prominant, bass is subserviant to the mid-range noise thats the melody track. It's a static scene, and Dubstep needs to watch where its heading. Mid-range is now more prominant in the mixes in Dubstep (disguising itself as Bass) and drumstep is apparantly the latest thing in the scene, which I'm still sceptical about.

Stay original and free dubstep, least until we can find your replacement